Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Monterey to Santa Cruz (just a wee one)

Up and at em, refreshed and ready to roll to...wherever!

Out on the highway, it wasn’t long.

He was a landscaping contractor, we moved some blueprints so I could get in.

Working for government, so many regulations, so many phone calls in such a short trip, to Watsonville.

Then it was a plumber, of mexican descent, who’d given up on Florida, and returned to California, he worked for Home Hardware,

Managed the plumbing section. The job was secure, but it was tough to buy a house, for his young family.

Then I was in Santa Cruz, and I liked it well enough, so I stayed for a while.


Miles Allinson said...

and then what happened...?

lizbeth said...

Hi there!
Not sure you're going to read this or not since you haven't updated the blog in a while, but my name is Liz.

I see you've clearly done a lot of hitchhiking in the past. I write for a magazine called Pulse Magazine that Hofstra University publishes once per semester. It is a student-run publication and I'm looking for an experienced hitchhiker to tell me their stories. I'd still love it if you were willing to do an interview for a 2000-word story.

Let me know if you're willing and interested. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi man, are you still alive? I wanted to use your blog to reassure my friends about my plans to hitchhike but it cuts off suddenly. Worrying...